All Gone Strange


All Gone Strange

“Is an inventive, life – affirming book
Guaranteed to brighten your day“ Steve Tasane


“Is an inventive, life – affirming book
Guaranteed to brighten your day“

Steve Tasane


All Gone Strange

Pre- order only due for release 14th Sept 2024

‘All Gone Strange’ is David Mosey’s beguiling collection of poems and watercolours that explore eccentricity, love, space travel and bi-polar bears.

David promises ‘a brief paddle through the shallows of my soul’, while the performance poet Steve Tasane describes this as ‘an inventive, life-affirming book guaranteed to brighten your day’.

David’s poems and pictures reveal why ‘a Finn pines for his bath more than a Norwegian would’ and how platform boots can be awkward at discos. They explain his uselessness when crewing a river steamer and why his father said that ‘spanners maketh man’.

All Gone Strange celebrates a philosophical dustman, a French poet who wore a wastepaper bin on his head and the problems of a randy panda. It also uses gentle humour to skewer the outrageous behaviour of politicians and the darker side of A I.

Comic ‘poet laureate’ John Hegley describes David’s work as ‘whimsical and pleasantly understated’ and the ‘Under the Influence’ gigs at the London Boogaloo recognised in David a ‘humour and charm that never fail to engage the audience’.

All Gone Strange has been compared to the wry wordplay of Ogden Nash and we hope you enjoy the extraordinary people you will meet in this book.

David Mosey

Book Details
Publisher William C Harris Publishing
ISBN 978-1-911232-53-7
Published: 14th Sept, 2024
Book, 73 Pages
Print Book: A5 (5.83 x 8.27 in / 148 x 210 mm),
Standard Black & White, 60# White,
Paperback, Matte Cover


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