Amy Deakin

Morden And Other Tourist Destinationspoetry book

Morden and other Tourist Destinations

Morden and other tourist destinations Isthe essential guide for any poetry traveller. Prepare to explore the exotic paradise of Morden town centre, take a detour through the untamed poets’ garden, immerse yourself in the mysterious world of garden sheds, and much, much more. Get your tube map out – you’re in for the trip of a lifetime. Can also be found on London Poetry Books

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Product Details

ISBN 9781911232094
Copyright Amy Deakin (Standard Copyright Licence)
Edition first edition
Publisher William Cornelius Harris Publishing
Published 2nd Sept 2017
Language English
Pages 44
Binding Perfect-bound
Paperback Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.11 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 14.81 wide x 20.98 tall

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